Some of the gear I use:

Canon EF 800mm f/5.6 IS USM
This is an outstanding professional super telephoto lens for bridging distances in sports, wildlife, and many other applications. Fluorite and UD glass are combined for incredible image quality, even wide-open. Image Stabilization adds a new dimension in this long lens' usefulness, even in marginal lighting. It works beautifully with both 1.4x and 2x extenders, and focuses as close as 18 feet. It has the same weather-resistant gaskets, sealed focusing, and focus pre-set rings as Canon's other Image Stabilized super telephoto lenses.

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 IS USM
The first EF lens with a zoom range from 100mm to 400mm, the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens offers high resolution, superb contrast, neutral color balance, and Canon's original built-in Image Stabilizer function. Fluorite and Super UD glass completely eliminate secondary spectrum for superb color rendition. Autofocusing is fast and silent with Canon's ring USM, and AF speed is further enhanced through an advanced, lightweight rear focusing design that incorporates a floating element for consistent image quality at all focusing distances from 5.9' to infinity. This telephoto lens is also equipped with a dual-mode Image Stabilizer suitable for panning as well as stationary subjects. With full-time manual focus, one-touch zooming with a wide grip, and a special ring that permits adjustment of zooming friction, this is a lens that's extremely easy to use, and ideal for a wide variety of applications including nature, wildlife, sports, and documentary photography.

Canon 7D
The 7D combines high frame-rates (up to 8fps), high resolution (18 megapixels) and the ability to shoot full HD 1080p video. This camera is so high resolution that many corporations use the 7D to shoot their commercial video work over the 5D Mark II. It sports a 100% viewfinder, the ability to shoot video at both 24p and 60p, and is an excellent all-around camera for any type of photography.

Wimberley Head Version II
The Wimberley Head is a specialized tripod head for telephoto lenses. Its gimbal-type design allows you to rotate your lens around its center of gravity and thus easily manipulate very large lenses. Since its introduction in 1991, the Wimberley Head has become the industry standard for serious nature photographers.

Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 IS Macro USM
The new EF 100mm f/2.8L IS Macro is significantly ahead of its predecessor in build quality, features, and optics. The old non-L 100mm Macro is a superb lens in its own right, but the addition of a weather-sealed (with the appropriate camera body) construction, better optics, a 9-blade rounded iris for smooth, creamy, butter bokeh (background blur) and Canon’s new Hybrid IS make this lens one of the finest in its lineup. The Hybrid IS alone is an impressive additon; it adds up to 4 stops of image stabilization, producing acceptably sharp images at shutter speeds as low as 1/10 of a second. In addition, this is a true 1:1 macro lens, which means it can reproduce items at life-size magnification. The 100mm focal length also makes it an ideal portrait lens, something that the Image Stabilization goes a long way towards helping.

Canon 6D
The 6D is the new entry into the full-frame DSLR from Canon. Featuring a stunning 20.2 Megapixel CMOS sensor and the new DIGIC 5+ Image Processor, this makes the perfect entry into the DSLR market for a full-frame camera. The high ISO range (maxing out at 25600) gives this camera an edge in low light situations. Also featured is the built in Wi-Fi capabilities which allow you to wirelessly transfer your shots with an iOS or Android phone.

Canon MT-24EX Macro Twin Flash
The Canon MT-24EX Macro Twin Ringlite Flash is a ringlight flash for Canon that helps freeze action and increase detail when shooting with macro lenses. Since you often times need to shoot at very small apertures (f/16-f/22) having a flood of light to throw at the scene helps tremendously in your effort to capture, sharp, detailed images. The unit employs Canon's E-TTL, and the twin flashes fire at even power, or can be varied over a eight-stop range for dramatic directional lighting. The controller unit has an illuminated, informative LCD panel.

Canon MP-E 65mm Macro
A unique lens exclusively for use in the macro realm, this lens can fill a 35mm frame with an object as miniscule as a grain of rice! Floating internal lens elements keep the resolution sharp throughout the range of focus. The lens also has an element of ultra-low dispersion glass. For macro shooters with a desire to document the diminutive, this lens is a quantum in ease-of-use compared to previous solutions involving bellows. The depth of field with this lens is razor thin and it takes absolutely amazing shots.